Devens On-Demand
Service to the Devens Area is an on-demand taxi service. This service costs $2 per ride and goes between the stops listed in the table and the Devens Area. It takes between 10 and 45 minutes (from the Mall) to arrive at your desired stop location in Ayer, Devens, or Shirley. Rides returning to the Fitchburg/Leominster area from the Devens Area may coincide with drop-offs to those locations.
All loops run 7 days a week, except holidays.
If you need a ride to the Devens Area, you must call the MART Office (978-345-7711, option 3) no later than 4:30pm the business day before (call Fridays for Saturday, Sunday & Monday). Standing Orders may be booked for set schedules. If your schedule doesn’t change, you can book multiple rides for the month at once.
Just tell the representative where and when you will be waiting to be picked up (from the listed blue stops) and where you need to go. Pickup times will be the same as the times listed in the schedule to the left. Please tell us if you need a return ride and the desired time.
Click here for the full brochure showing map and stops in the Devens area:
Devens On-Demand